Accueil > Elsewhere in Europe, around the world > Shale gas : newspapers and publications
Shale gas : newspapers and publications
dimanche 10 mai 2015
Collective 07 "Stop Gas and Shale Oil" invites you to read
his newspaper and publications.
Newspapers and publications are distributed locally in print and are available for download below.
All the newspapers et publications in french
Shale gas and oil : an economic, environmental and health aberration
May 2017
Some details about non-conventional hydrocarbons
The lure of research
Disastrous consequences
Social and economical ravages
An energy and environmental aberration
Water : new pollution or new management
Fake solutions for real problems
Transatlantic treaties (TAFTA/TTIP and CETA)
Map with the situation in Europe.
* Télécharger la version française
* Load down the english version
* Load down the dutch version
* Load down the german version
GAZette n°4 : Energy transition
November 2012
And if we were making ... without gas and oil shale ? with the Energy Transition
Why the Energy Transition ? : The end easy resources, pollution and risks ...
How ? :
Sobriety : Let’s use less energy to meet the same need ...
Efficiency : start with the easier ... unnecessary consumption !
Clean energy : Give priority to renewable energy
Edit the near future ... it’s everyone’s business.
How to act ? Let us pledge for Energy Transition
* Télécharger la GAZette n°4 - version Fr (pdf 780Ko)
* Download the GAZette n° 4 - english version (pdf 612 ko)
* Download der GAZette n° 4 - deutsch version (pdf 696 ko)
GAZette n°3 : Special vigilance and mobilization
June 2012
remain focused
Collectif 07 Stop Shale Gas
vigilance - information - warning
mobilization and permits in France
shale gas and shale oil in Europe
timeliness of gas and oil shale
* Télécharger la GAZette n° 3 - version française (pdf 1 Mo)
Pour qu’il vous soit plus facile à diffuser, nous avons réalisé un fichier imprimable en A4, donc, 3 feuilles de 2 pages à agrafer (ne pas tenir compte du recto/verso).
* Download the GAZette n° 3 - english version (pdf 1.4 Mo)
To make it easier to distribute, we made a printable file A4, so 3 sheets of 2 pages stapled (ignore the recto / verso).
* Download the GAZette nr 3 - deutsch version (pdf 1.5 Mo)
Um es einfacher zu verteilen, haben wir eine druckfähige Datei A4, so 3 Blatt 2 Seiten geheftet (ignorieren Sie die recto / verso).
Publications in 4 languages
April 2012
Made available for targeted communication that you can print.
Publication in 4 languages : french, english, german and deutsch
Download version "superior printing" Duplex (pdf 15 Mo)
Download version "printing" Duplex (pdf 2,7 Mo)
Download duplex compressed version (pdf 820 ko)